Cats Receive $250K, House In Owner's Will


Estate Left For Cats 愛貓繼承740萬

美企業家辭世 愛貓繼承740萬

(中央社田納西州曼非斯21日綜合外電報導)如果有全球富寵物排行榜,美國田納西州兩隻貓必定榜上有名,因為牠們繼承主人身後約新台幣740萬元財產和1棟百坪豪宅,家屬暫時一毛都拿不到。根據曼非斯電視台WMC-TV,佛利斯克和雅虎旗艦女性網站Shine報導,田納西州曼非斯退休企業家謝柏德(Leon Sheppard Sr.)去年辭世,他有5個小孩、12個孫子和6名曾孫。不過,根據他的遺囑,他把自己的25萬美元(新台幣739萬2800元)資產和1棟120坪豪宅留給兩隻愛貓「佛利斯克」(Frisco)和「傑克」(Jake)。

曼非斯律師費希曼(Randall Fishman)說:「民眾常捐錢給動物醫院和慈善機構,不過謝柏德先生選擇捐給兩隻特定的動物。這筆錢似乎太多,不過這是謝柏德先生的資產,他可以決定如何分配。」
義大利企業家遺孀阿森塔(Maria Assunta)也於2007年讓愛貓唐馬索(Tommaso)繼承價值1300萬美元的財產。1021122
Two cats will be living the high life after their owner left them a 4,270-square-foot house in a gated community and $250,000 to be used for their care and maintaining the home.
Leon Sheppard, Sr. was president of United Food and Commercial Workers Local 1529 before he retired. He passed away at the age of 79.

"If their owner sees fit, they can create a trust for the welfare and benefit of the cats and their care," said attorney Randy Fishman.

Although the situation with Frisco and Jake is not very common, Fishman pointed out that New York hotel heiress Leona Helmsley left $12 million for the care of Trouble, her dog.
Sheppard's family declined to talk about Frisco and Jake, or their inheritance, but neighbors said he loved his cats.

According to Fishman, Sheppard's will is all legal. That doesn’t mean it’s normal.
"I don't know [if] I've ever come across one," said Fishman.

The will specifies that when Frisco dies, what’s left of the estate passes to Sheppard's human heirs. The heirs are allowed to move Jake out of the house but they must continue to care for him.


A Cat Comforts A Baby 安慰嬰兒的貓


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